Monday, April 17, 2006

More from the mixter

I've been spending a fair amount of time lately over on ccmixter, mostly because i think it's one of the best resources for open source music on the internet, and it's got a real cool community of like minded people. I've taken some of their source and worked up some new remixes with a number of artists there.

Slamlord gets things going, featuring vocals by Teru, with lo tag blanco kicking in some fine horn, beats, and synth tracks, and Lisa Rein bringing her excellent backing vocals. this was fun to do.

Strange Little Sunrise is a little mashup i threw together featuring the vocal work of Diane Jessurun with some of Future Boy's source tracks from "Strange Little World".

I was trying to go theatrical with Choose Valsinha which features a nice track by Gerador Zero with an a cappella vocal track by Ran Dumb Dots.

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